What is a vegan? Well a clear definition of one is someone who, for various reasons, chooses to avoid using or consuming animal products. While vegetarians choose not to use flesh foods, vegans also avoid dairy and eggs, as well as fur, leather, wool, down, and cosmetics or chemical products tested on animals. Out of the various components of what makes a vegan I find the ethical one most fascinating. It is to not consume animal products or any animal produced products that caused the animal pain. Wow!! That is very admirable to try to make a difference in the world by proving eating animals is not necessary. What a world we could have knowing that if everyone rebelled and didn't eat animal products or support in any processes that gave them pain. Ahhh, what a world. Actually there would not be a world. Damn.
Vegans idealistic ways the world should be are unrealistic and also would result in the end of life. An example would be how humans evolved. Human beings evolved so rapidly and their brains grew so fast because the early humans were increasing meat in their diets. It is proven that brains can evolve faster over time by eating meat and this gives certain vital proteins and fats in abundance to the body which makes it easier to develop over time. The early humans used animal furs and hides as clothing from the elements as well. It probably wouldn't have been such a good idea to try to migrate North just being naked. To add to the list most of the reliable and continuing medical procedures and medications are tested on animals as well. Its a shame we don't have more vegans to volunteer for medical experiments. We could have saved so many animals lives. I could go on forever about the the hypocrisy of vegans and how their individualism is just a cover for pure ignorance but I have a life that has a reachable goal and the tools to get their. I am just happy now that vegans didn't rule the world because man might not have evolved into the complex organisms we are today and we might not have colonized the globe without protection from the elements. People that I care about might not be alive right now if their was no animal testing. So I thank all animals for creating what we have today and I know that today is not the time to create a world without animal products or animal procedures.
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